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Spiritual Guidance - Grief Support - Encouragement - Insight - and More!

Donna Hutchinson
Nov 6, 20242 min read
Grounding During Chaotic Times - A Heartfelt Moment with Donna
NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER I’ve been doing a lot of thinking about psychic energy and how it is impacting us during these tumultuous days. I...

Donna Hutchinson
Oct 8, 20243 min read
Paranormal Investigation: Identifying a Path to Resolution
October Newsletter Given my long time interest and experience in paranormal investigations, my Communications Team convinced me this...

Donna Hutchinson
Sep 2, 20242 min read
Tribute to My Father, "Wild Bill"
September Newsletter On this Labor Day, I find myself reflecting on the incredible man my father, "Wild Bill," was. It’s hard to believe...

Donna Hutchinson
Aug 5, 20241 min read
Change Is In the Air
Over the past month, I have received so much love and support from all of you as I adjust to life without my parents in physical form. As...

Donna Hutchinson
Jul 8, 20242 min read
When It's Time to Let Go (Personal Share)
As most of you know, just two and a half months ago, my mom was diagnosed with Stage IV cancer and given a painful prognosis. Over the...

Donna Hutchinson
Jun 4, 20242 min read
Best Ways to Connect with Your Spirit Guides
Connecting with your spirit guides can bring profound insights and peace. Here are some simple yet powerful practices to help you open up...

Donna Hutchinson
May 20, 20243 min read
Embracing Love & Loss: A Personal Share from My Heart to Yours
As we move past Mother’s Day, I find myself filled with memories and emotions. Losing a loved one is never easy, and the imminent loss of...

Donna Hutchinson
May 6, 20242 min read
Coping with Tough News
Getting bad news about someone you love can hit you hard. It’s super important to look after yourself when you’re going through tough...

Donna Hutchinson
Apr 2, 20242 min read
Rising Up After Getting Knocked Down
In the journey of life, each of us will face moments that test our strength, shake our foundations, and bring us to our knees. It's an...

Donna Hutchinson
Mar 5, 20242 min read
Uncertainties, Crossroads, And… What We Want to Feel
When life's uncertainties and crossroads trigger feelings of confusion, fear, and anxiety, we look for ways to find clarity and peace of...

Donna Hutchinson
Feb 1, 20241 min read
Looking for love can sometimes feel like getting lost in a maze created by our own barriers and perceptions. We often put too much focus...

Donna Hutchinson
Jan 1, 20242 min read
Happy New Year All! As the New Year dawns, many are making New Year's resolutions based on things they want or believe need to change. I...

Donna Hutchinson
Dec 1, 20232 min read
The holiday season, a time of joy and togetherness, can also bring a sense of loss for those who have loved ones no longer with them....

Donna Hutchinson
Oct 31, 20232 min read
When we lose someone dear to us, a deep chasm of grief often engulfs our lives. Our pain can sometimes blind us to the more subtle...

Donna Hutchinson
Sep 30, 20232 min read
Do You Believe In Soulmates
"Do you believe in soulmates?" This is a question that I get asked regularly. With the holidays right around the corner and lots of time...

Donna Hutchinson
Aug 31, 20232 min read
Having the Courage to...
Like so many of my clients, 2023 has been a big growth year for me. I’ve come to realize that change requires courage first, good...

Donna Hutchinson
Jul 31, 20232 min read
Communicating with Your Pets
Recently I was talking to a client, and she asked me, rather shyly, if I could do a reading to help her with one of her animals. Though I...

Donna Hutchinson
Jun 30, 20232 min read
4 Key Advantages to Scheduling a Family Mediumship Reading
Over the years, I’ve witnessed many advantages to having a family mediumship reading and today I thought I would share 4 of these. Each...

Donna Hutchinson
Jun 5, 20232 min read
Relationship Challenges: How a Psychic Reading Can Help
There is no doubt that building and maintaining healthy relationships is challenging. In most households, when summertime begins, so does...

Donna Hutchinson
May 8, 20232 min read
Mother's Day & The Power of Empathy
Maternal love in its purest form is nurturing, wise, and gentle, yet equally fierce and protective. The mother/child relationship,...
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