When I work with clients who are looking for the love of their life or struggling in their love relationship, I often find myself encouraging them to give themselves permission to love. Without permission, it can be hard to find yourself in a relationship that brings you fulfillment and joy.
Here are the biggest reasons that I see permission being withheld…
A lack of confidence. When we are in judgement of ourselves, we often assume that others are in judgment of us as well. The absence of confidence impacts our ability to communicate, to take chances, and most importantly, to make ourselves available for love.
Fear. It is completely normal to be afraid. No one wants to take the chance of getting hurt or feeling rejected. When we give ourselves permission to love, courage is a natural byproduct. So is discernment. When you add self-compassion to courage and discernment, the doors to love can open wide.
Old hurts. Focusing on old wounds often doesn’t help them heal, rather it keeps them open and sometimes raw. When you make the decision to let go of the old stories (of people and times that hurt you) and make space for new stories (with curiosity and anticipation), old hurts can be released and permission to love can be given.
When you think about your love life or listen to your friend or family member talk about love with frustration, pain or anger, can you see where a lack of confidence, fear or old hurts are getting in the way?
As much as you can, whether you are in a wonderful love relationship or not, give yourself permission to love… not just others, but yourself.
Where Healing Begins… Valentine's Day Special
In recognition of Valentine’s Day, I’m offering a special 14% discount on
Love Life Readings.
The most common questions I receive and respond to are… “will we stay together” “will I meet him/her/them?’ “will we get married?” “is he/she/them my soulmate?” “will we get back together?” To schedule your reading, click HERE.
Happy Valentine’s Day!
Warmly, Donna